Argentina: Why go

Argentina is immense, wild and incredibly welcoming. Spectacularly beautiful and utterly untouched, it’s one of the very few places in the world where you can explore extreme landscapes from the comfort of luxurious small hotels and welcoming estancias, combining your hunger for wilderness with a taste for fine food and wine. There are tropical rainforests, immense glaciers, ancient archaeological sites and snow-capped mountain ranges; shimmering salt flats, vast plains and high-altitude deserts; stylish cities like Buenos Aires, where chic boutiques and bars abound, and pioneer towns like Ushuaia at the very end of the world. The infrastructure is great for tourists, most people speak English, and swift internal flights make it easy to travel around, so you could combine 2 or 3 regions in a 3-week stay.

And the dramatic landscapes are mirrored in the dramatic people. Argentines are amazingly friendly and welcoming to foreigners (no-one will mention the Falklands war!) and they do hospitality in style. Now recovering from economic collapse, the Argentines are making the most of their country’s assets. There are superb places to stay for adventurers and connoisseurs alike, from chic boutique hotels to rustic fincas - and many are amazingly inexpensive. If you can learn a little Spanish, you’ll make friends for life. So stay longer than you think, and really escape from it all.

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