Greece: When to Go
Spring (April-May) and autumn (late September-October) are our favourite times, being moderately warm (typically 20-30 celsius) and much quieter than midsummer. Spring is great for wild flowers and lush landscapes; autumn for warm seas. If you are restricted to school summer holidays, we'd recommend July over August – which sees swarms of holiday-makers and proportionately higher prices. If you're worried about the heat (which can reach 40 celsius on a hot day in Crete, for example), consider heading up to the mountains of the mainland; here, it's 5-10 degrees cooler in summer - and, in winter, can snow quite heavily. Hotels often close or renovate over the winter – some have no central heating - but most aim to reopen for Greek Easter, at which point they fill rapidly for the holiday period.
Two major Greek festivals include Greek Orthodox Easter, which is usually later than western European Easter, and which prompts a nationwide exodus to the country for socialising and church-going, followed by loud fireworks (bring earplugs). In summer, the period around the 15 August (Assumption of the Virgin Mary) sees people flock to the islands and highlands for late-night dancing and feasting. If you're travelling around either of these dates, book your accommodation and transport (including ferries) well in advance, and be prepared for disruption.
New Year’s Day: January 1 (public holiday)
Epiphany: January 6 (a crucifix is thrown into the sea and retrieved by boys)
Carnival (Apokriés): 60-40 days before Easter (huge parade in Patras, festivities in Athens, ‘goat-dance’ on Skyros)
Clean Monday (Kathari Deftera): Last Monday before Lent (kite-flying throughout Greece)
Lent (Sarakostí) and Holy Week (Megali Evdomáda): 40-1 days before Easter (fasting, church-going)
Independence Day: March 25 (costumed parades)
St George’s Day: April 23 – can vary (rural service, feast and dancing; also start of summer pastures for transhumants)
May Day: May 1 (flower-picking, wreath-making)
Greek Easter(Pascha): Date varies - up to 5 weeks after western Easter
St Constantine: May 21 (firewalking in Macedonian villages)
Pentecost (Whitsun)50 days after Easter (long weekend)
Prophet Elijah (Ilias): July 20 (mountaintop celebrations and fires, notably on Mt Taygetus)
St Paraskevi: July 26 (feasts in Epirus villages)
Transfiguration of Christ (Metamorfosi): August 6 (feasts in Evia & elsewhere)
Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Dekapentávgousto): August 15 (the biggest summer exeat - Greeks return to their home village or make pilgrimmages e.g. to Tinos)
Birth of the Virgin Mary (Genisi): September 8 (rural service and feast)
St Demetrius: October 26 (new wine tasted, also end of summer pastures)
Ochi Day: October 28 (parades to celebrate Metaxa's historic “No!” to Mussolini)
St Nikolaos: December 6 (services at coastal chapels)
Christmas: December 25 (public and religious holiday, but less commercial than in western Europe)
New Year’s Eve: December 31 (nightlong services, parties and card-playing)