Travel Info for St Lucia

Best time to go to St Lucia and how to get there

St Lucia: When to Go

The main tourist season runs from December to May, with December being the best month for sunshine. July is the hottest month. August to November is the wettest season and brings the risk of hurricanes (though expect short rain showers at any time of the year).


The most widely observed holidays and festivals in St Lucia are:

New Year's Day: 1 January
New Year's Holiday: 2 January
Independence Day: 22 February
Good Friday and Easter Monday: 29 March and 1 April
Festival of Comedy: Sunday preceding 1 May - held at Pigeon Point
Labour Day: 1 May
St Lucia Jazz Festival: 10 days in May - open-air evening concerts, as well as a host of fringe events
St Peter’s Day: 29 June - celebrated as the Fisherman’s Feast, in which all the fishing boats are decorated
Feast of the Rose of Lima and Feast of St Margaret Mary Alacoque: 30 Aug/17 Oct - 2 big rival flower festivals
Thanksgiving: October
Creole Day (Jouen Kweyol): Last Sunday in October - local food, crafts, music and different cultural shows from 5 selected rural communities
St Cecilia’s Day: 22 Nov (also known as Musician’s Day)
St Lucy’s/National Day: 13 Dec - cultural and sporting activities are held all over the island
Christmas: 25 and 26 December

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Getting There

To search flights across all airlines, we recommend using Skyscanner


From the UK: Direct flights with BA, Virgin Atlantic and CaribJet.
From Europe: No direct flights. Try Air Caraibes and BA.
From the USA: Direct flights with American Airlines.
From other Caribbean islands: try LIAT or SVG Air.

ST LUCIA: BY SEA: see Express des Iles, a high-speed catamaran service.

Getting Around

Taxi: Taxis are available everywhere. The cabs are unmetered as rates are supposedly set by the government. Most drivers, who have also been trained to serve as guides, are eager to please. However, always agree to the fare before you get in (if in doubt check with your hotel) and agree whether the quote is in US$ or EC$.

Car Hire: You'll need to obtain a temporary St Lucia driver’s licence purchased for US$20 from the Immigration Office upon arrival at the airport or at the car-rental kiosks when you pick up your car. In addition you have to be over 25 years old and show a valid driver’s licence from home. Driving is on the left and the main challenges are avoiding some of the island’s more obvious potholes and negotiating the hairpin bends. See our car rental recommendations.

Buses: Minibuses offer inexpensive and colourful transportation from one town to the next. They're generally overcrowded and filled with produce on the way to market.

Other Essentials

All travellers arriving by air should complete an online entry form before arrival. No vaccinations are required. Take mosquito repellent and high factor sun lotion. Bilharzia is present, so avoid swimming and paddling in still fresh water.

Tap water is normally chlorinated, but it's advisable to drink bottled water, which is widely available. Milk is pasteurised. Dairy products, meat, poultry, seafood, fruit and vegetables are generally considered safe to eat.

Need more Info

Offical website:St Lucia Tourist Board