United States: Why go
The USA is a massive country of real extremes. From the cutting-edge lifestyle of chi-chi New York to stuck-in-a-time-warp Utah, via the tack and glitz of Las Vegas, the sedate Amish communities of Pennsylvania and the hedonistic parties of Hollywood - it's a real melting pot of cultures and ethnicities. And that's what makes it such a heady, exciting place to visit.
These diversities encompass the landscapes, too. There's the dry, arid terrain of the Nevada desert, or the wetlands of the Florida Everglades; the snow-tipped Rocky Mountains of Colarado or flat-as-a-pancake New Mexico. In starkly beautiful Wyoming, you can drive for 3 hours without seeing a single car; in hectic Chicago, with its ever-expanding population, you can't get away from the traffic.
Each of the 50 states has a real identity and personality, and to drive across it is to uncover a world of differences. In our usual spirit of quality rather than quantity, we've decided to kick off our USA coverage with just 3 of the most popular states for holiday-makers: California, Florida and New York.